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CD $12.00

10/20/2009 879198003441 

HPR 998 CD 

LP+CD $17.25


HP 999 

MP3 $9.90

10/20/2009 879198003441 


***It feels like the first time: Let’s face it– not un-like a cockroach, true soul rock and roll will never die and high-energy rock and roll warms the heart. Call it what you will – punk, rock, proto-punk, or hitmakers, Impediments are a bright light at the end of the hipster tunnel. It’s obvious these cats have not been paying attention to the blogsphere. Having been born and raised in Berkeley, CA - where Frat Boys still clash with Hippies, and Crusties walk the streets of Telegraph – Impediments have stayed true to the fundamentals of classic 70’s punk rock and roll. 
Discovered on a cold Monday night at Oakland’s trash rock epicenter The Stork Club – 
Home of Budget Rock festival – now in its eighth glorious year – Impediments music will provide relief for those suffering from a pure rock and roll jones. Having record collections hopped-up on family dysfunction– this band is built for the ages – all ages –geezer or ingénue– you’d have to be beyond pretension not to enjoy the loud and fast guitars, played effortlessly – as if riding the Big Wheel ™ for the first time. 
Their self-titled debut on HappyParts Recordings is now yours for the spinning. This is pure adrenaline fueled rock and roll composed, performed and delivered by four lads straight out of Berkeley High School. They co-produced with local rock and roll recluse, Greg Ashley. (Gris Gris, Sir Lord Von Raven) Granted they focused on band rehearsal, rather than arithmetic, Ray, Nick, Mike and Rene’ learned some chords back in eighth grade and proceeded to cover Aerosmith, Dictators and Pink Fairies with abandon in Mike’s family’s garage. Ray’s father was even in a brief rehearsal-only incarnation of the band, The Phil Spector Shotgun Experience, but fortunately that couldn’t last. 
Call it apathy, denial or just plain stoned – the rehearsal room vacuum preserved 11 pure jams for the arrested development set. Conceived in the cafeteria line, Impediments are keeping rock and roll dangerous, seriously entertaining and full of hope. So you see, this debut is only the beginning – as these refined misfits are built for speed, combining screaming guitars, solid back beat and outrageous lyrics. It’s worth noting that the majority of these tunes were penned in detention. Having obtained their diplomas, Impediments are now hitting the road for the very first time. Nothing can change the shape of things to come.  


  1. #1 LeAnn


  2. #2 Stoned To Bed


  3. #3 Vom


  4. #4 (Don’t) Mess Me Around


  5. #6 2012


  6. #7 Violence


  7. #8 Pig Out


  8. #9 Junk


  9. #10 You Want A Square


  10. #11 Down


  11. #12 Vagina Envy
