***The “Great Escape Artist” is back—no, not THAT one, dude’s dead! We’re talking about Papa M (aka David Pajo), and HE’s talking ’bout Harry Houdini. At least in the title of this record, anyway: Ballads of Harry Houdini. Six years since his last LP, the all-acoustic A Broke Moon Rises, Papa M rolls into the shred zone with a fresh, fine and fat-assed set of songs—and just SIX of ‘em, so you know they’re some groovers. After Slint’s disbandment, David Pajo whiled away the 90s playing with literally everybody who asked—Will Oldham, Stereolab, Tortoise, you name it—but he paused long enough here and there to start his own band, called M. Following the path of M records from Aerial M to Papa M, David recorded Ballads of Harry Houdini on his own, receding deep inside himself and taking the time for ideas new and old: setting down some tracks, getting lit, grabbing a guitar, getting a sound going, and soloing over ’em! With a bit of singing here and there too. Frankly, the amount of hip-shaking sleaze oozing out of these pieces blows the idea that these are simple ad-hoc assemblies right the FUNK out of the water. Sure, when David does blues scaling, he sounds a little like Billy “I’m Just a Fool for Your Stockings” Gibbons. But then there’s the insistent torn-n-fucked delirium that’s accompanied EVERY Papa M expression into the marketplace (with pride) since 1999. For “Ode to Mark White”, David opted to jam in waltz-time—not unheard...
LP $28.50
***That chill in your spine makes total sense. PAPA M is back in the room, and like the animal you are, you sense it before you actually know he’s there. As the light from the broke moon floods in, you feel that you’ll survive—even if you’ll never be the same.... Late 2016’s Highway Songs brought Papa M back to us, after many years of silence and several harrowing dances with death for his Id-ego/host body, DAVID PAJO. Now, two years on down the road, we’re all here again to witness A Broke Moon Rises. Highway Songs was a necessarily cathartic experience in all phases. Afterwards, with no tour dates forthcoming (partially due to lousy clubs and their lack of wheelchair-accessible stage doors!), it felt good just to play for fun again, like being in the practice space instead of the psych ward—a much healthier change of pace than some might guess! David blew it out; all the different styles he’s played in over the years, from folk-blues to metal, electronic, pop, Bollywood—all of it. But when the spasms subsided, a back-to-roots sediment remained in the bottom of the bowl, which he read as a motive for a new Papa M album done with all acoustic instruments. That’s how there’s nothing electric about A Broke Moon Rises. The five songs of A Broke Moon Rises find David focusing his technique in unknown directions, to find out what he can do with them. When that happens, he finds himself on the very...
LP $20.50
CD $13.75
MC $8.50
***PAPA M? Are you serious? The last time we said “Papa M,” it was 2004 and we were talking about a retrospective compilation album! There were no expectations, and none given! Sure, Papa M was attached to some of the 80s–90s greatest no-core records, especially if you consider his imaginary alter ego, one DAVID PAJO. But that was a long time ago! So why then does Highway Songs spill into our ears with a newness, a vitality that only fresh blood can bring? Could it be because of all the blood? David Pajo’s been writing lines on the guitar since he was a bitty little kid. It sustained him through a lot of groups, like MAURICE, SLINT, AERIAL M, TORTOISE, THE FOR CARNATION, and DEAD CHILD. He’s played live too, and on records. And now that he’s grown up to be a bitty little man, what’s he gonna do, change? If you think so, you don’t know Pajo—or as he’s been known to sometimes go, Papa M. The instrumental sounds he’s made in the name of these names implied danger, violence and total alienation, alongside a peaceful, easy, good-willin’ and wide streak of broke-toothed black humor. So, after those classic albums followed by a long silent phase, broken only by a steady stream of sweet (and terrifying) pictures on Instagram, we’ve now got Highway Songs. Sounds pastoral. Bucolic, even. What’s become of the implication of mayhem in this title? Don’t worry. This album could be called “Wreck on the Highway...
LP $19.50
CD $13.75
MC $10.50
***Hot on the heels of the recent M singles collection, DAVID PAJO returns with the sixth installment in his Singles series. This time in Pajo heads into new territory with a fully calculated new concept that streamlines all of his previous work into a new hybrid. The twist this time is the track "Foreign Hotel Garden," featuring a hallucinogenic journal-entry lyric with spoken-word delivery. Three songs in all.
CD $6.00
***Songwriting sensation DAVID PAJO returns with his ongoing "M", and takes you back to the glorious '90s with a collection of material recorded under the AERIAL M, M, and PAPA M monikers. Includes the debut M single "Safeless/Napoleon," the song "Vol De Nuit" from a split single, the 1997 and '98 Aerial M singles "M Is..." and "October," Papa M's 1999 tour single, 2000's Christmas card track "Turn Turn Turn," the unreleased "Christmas 1997," and another fifteen minutes or so of timeless M action. Mmmm, M.
CD $13.75
2XLP $17.25
***DAVID PAJO returns with his ongoing "M" recordings (AERIAL M, M, PAPA M, mmmm M). Eleven tracks that fall somewhere in the blue guitar-based, dreamy rock music thing, but also feature things like found sounds, intriguing instrumental passages and even vocals just to add to the ongoing mystery (misery?) of the performances. Simply lovely.
CD $13.75
2XLP $34.85